About Us
CCS Accessories, Fiber, Quilted, Zipper, Cord Yarn
With our 30 years of textile industry experience, we support our product supply with our productions according to the demands of the leather and textile industry.
We continue to meet the needs of our valued customers with a wide range of products and affordable prices.
In addition to the production / sales of Fiber, Quilting and Accessories, we are producing Metal Zipper under the roof of “C.C.S ZIPPER” in the quality of domestic production and international standards, which has been added to our production network.
Metal zippers are used in many areas such as coats, coats, jackets, bags, wallets, trousers, boots, boots, shoes, as well as in all areas used in the Leather and Textile industry.
To forward your orders, to receive information and prices, to learn the deadlines of your orders; You can reach us via info@ccsaksesuar.com e-mail and by e-mail and contact numbers.
• To see our zipper products; zipper
• To see our fiber products; fiber
• To see our quilted products; quilted
• To see our cord yarn products; cord thread
All information on our page is for informational purposes only. You can contact for detailed information.